Udupi, Karnataka
Capacity: 1200 MW Type: Coal Based
Udupi Power Corporation Limited is a 2 X 600 MW imported coal based power project in the Udupi District of Karnataka.
Situated in the western coastal region of India, the plant is situated in the village of Yellur, between Mangalore and Udupi.
UPCL is the first independent power project (IPP) using 100% imported coal as fuel in the country and was awarded the Gold Shield award for early completion of Thermal power project Unit-1 from Ministry of power, Government of India in FY 2010-11 and also the prestigious Golden Peacock Environment Management Award in FY 2014-15.
The Udupi Power Project supplies 90% of the power it generates to the State of Karnataka and 10% to the State of Punjab.
The Udupi Power Corporation is located in the Udupi District (erstwhile Dakshina Kannada District) of Karnataka, comprising villages of Yelluru, Tenka, Santhuru and Bada and is about 35 km north of Mangalore City in Karnataka State, India. It is flanked by Konkan Railway on the west, local roads to Mudarangadi village on the east and north and Padubidri-Karkala state highway on the south. The area where the power plant is located has been declared as an industrial area under Section 3 (1) of the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) in the Gazette of the Government of Karnataka.
The site is about 28 M above MSL and falls under seismic zone III. The maximum ambient temperature is about 38°C and the annual mean relative humidity is 74-80%. The nearest seaport is at Mangalore (New Mangalore Port).
Plant Details
Each unit of 600 MW capacities has one sub critical coal fired steam generator connected to a reheat type condensing steam turbine and generator with sea water cooled condenser and all other required auxiliaries.
Each steam turbine is of 3000 rpm, tandem compound, single re-heat, condensing type machine with extractions for regenerative feed water heating. The turbine would be designed for main stream pressure of 170 kg/cm2 (a) and inlet temperature of 537°C
Power Evacuation
The power generated is evacuated at two levels i.e. 220 KV and 400 KV.KPTCL has already commissioned the 220 KV transmission lines from the UPCL power plant to the substation at Kemar at a distance of 25 km. KPTCL is presently implementing the 400 KV transmission line from the UPCL plant to the PGCIL substation at Hassan located about 180 km from the UPCL plant.
The plant has latest Pollution Control Equipment, 275 Meter High Chimney, High Efficiency ESPs, Flue gas desulphurization plant, low NOx burners, etc. to limit the SPM, SOx, NOx emissions. Greenbelt is being developed in the main plant, the corridor leading to the ash pond and around the ash pond. About 3.29 lakh saplings have been planted in and around the plant.
UPCL has bagged the following recognitions in the industry –
- Gold Shield award for early completion of Thermal power project -Unit-1 from Ministry of power, Government of India for the year 2010-11.
- Sustainability and EHS Awards 2012 under the following category
- Certificate of Merit in Infrastructure /power Category –First place
- Certificate of Excellence in Large Scale Category – Third place
- Certificate of Commendations for its Meritorious Achievement
- National Energy Conservation Award 2013, Ministry of Power, Govt of India
- Best Safe Power Boiler Award 2013, Govt of Karnataka
- CII “4 STAR” Rating for EHS Practices for the year 2013
- First place in Infrastructure category in CII EHS Award 2013
- CII EHS Excellence Award 2012
- Best Fuel Efficient Award 2012, Govt of Karnataka
The 1st Unit of 600 MW at UPCL was successfully tested and commissioned and commercial production commenced in November, 2010. The 2nd Unit of 600 MW was successfully tested and commissioned and commercial production was commenced in August 2012. It has also been awarded the Golden Peacock Environment Management Award in FY 2014-15.
The requirement of coal for these units is met through import. UPCL has tied up with coal companies in Indonesia and also procures through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) and spot purchases. Furnace oil is procured from the Indian Oil Companies depot in the region.
Being a coastal area with perennial availability of seawater, seawater is used to meet the condenser cooling and other water requirements. Re-circulating type of circulating water (CW) system with natural draft cooling towers is installed. Desalination of seawater is carried out to meet the freshwater requirement for the plant.
Ash Management
Bottom ash is collected in silos in moist form and fly ash is collected in dry form in storage silos. For the fly ash agreement has been entered into with cement manufacturer for utilization of the fly ash. Unutilised ash is disposed at identified ash disposal areas.