A substantial improvement over the previous year’s CDP score


Editor’s Synopsis

  • Adani Power Limited received a B score in the Management band for fulfilling climate change & water security commitments
  • A score of B signifies that APL is taking coordinated action on climate issues
  • For climate change, this is above the global and Asia regional average of C and same as the thermal power generation average of B
  • For water security, this is same as the global, Asia regional and thermal power generation average
  • The previous year’s CDP score was C in climate change and B- in water security categories

Ahmedabad, 21 December 2022: Adani Power Ltd (APL), a part of the Adani Group, has received a B score for climate change transparency from CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for 2022. This is higher than the global and Asia regional average of C, and same as the thermal power generation average of B. This score highlights APL’s stewardship in setting competitive benchmarks and fulfilling commitment to reducing the impact of climate change. In the thermal power generation sector, 12% companies fall in disclosure band, 16% in awareness band, 48% in management band and 24% in leadership band.

APL’s performance was good in the areas of Governance, Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and risk management process, opportunity disclosure, and business strategy, financial planning, and scenario analysis as compared to the global average.


APL also received a B score in water security. This is on par with the thermal power generation, Asia regional and global average of ‘B’. APL performed well in the areas of business impacts, integrated approaches to environmental challenges, water-related opportunities, water policies, water accounting, targets and goals, governance and business strategy. APL is among 48% of companies that reached Management level in climate change and is among 77% of companies that reached Management level in water security.

APL has put in place a robust risk management system to manage various impacts as well as keep up with emerging risks in the industry. Moreover, key opportunities and risks are kept in mind while developing short-term and long-term strategies. The critical risks and opportunities include various factors related to climate change, regulatory norms, and changes in investor behaviour among others. APL’s value-led growth is attributed to its adherence to the UN sustainable development goals, the Adani Group’s vision of nation-building, and sustainable value creation.


CDP is a global environmental impact non-profit organisation, providing a platform for companies, cities, states and regions to report information on their climate, deforestation and water security impacts. The global economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting. The CDP scores capture the ESG credentials of organisations on the criteria of climate change, forests and water security.