We prioritise the health and safety of our employees. We have developed health and safety policies and have established OH&S function at all sites that facilitates effective implementation of these policies and protocols. We have also implemented OHSAS 18001 as part of our integrated management system. Our communication for safety starts before new employees join the organisation and before the onboarding of any contract agency. To continuously improve our health and safety system, on-site training and regular awareness and refresher sessions are conducted for both permanent and contractual employees.

We reviewed our health and safety system as we felt the need to strengthen the safety processes and enhance them to world-class levels. To achieve our safety objective of ‘Zero Harm’, we have set forth on the safety cultural transformation journey, titled ‘Project Chetna’, in consultation with M/s DuPont, a pioneer organization in the field of safety management. Phase-I of ‘Project Chetna’ comprised an ‘as-is-analysis’ and quick-win opportunity identifications through DuPont dynamic assessment, which has been successfully completed during the year. Phase-II has been introduced with five modules – Safety Interaction, Incident Management, Contractor Safety Management, Process Safety Management and High Risk Activities.

To motivate all employees and inculcate a culture of positive competition between our operating locations, we have institutionalised an internal safety reward and recognition scheme. We appreciate the safety stars and departments for their outstanding performance, which has contributed significantly in achieving operational excellence. Our inter-plant safety award is based on a structured framework of 15 lead and lag indicators.

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